METALWORK: an important service center for metal processing
By fulfilling the conformity procedures, which concern the free circulation of materials in the community space, the European mark of conformity accompanies METALWORK products since 2007. And are associated with the quality of the products manufactured by the greatest companies, recognized worldwide.

Products manufactured by METALWORK meet current building requirements, being characterized by special technical parameters: high quality, high corrosion resistance, flexibility in handling, adjusting the feature size, easily for assembling and durability during operation.
Due to the versatility of metal poles manufactured by METALWORK, they can also be used in other agricultural activities, such as supporting several types of vegetables (especially in forced cultures), tree branches or shrubs, enclosing some alleys with tall green walls, climbing plants, flower bushes and kiwi, blackberries, hop gardens etc.
For complete information, purchase, delivery or special metal products, METALWORK will ensure its availability.
Products for the agricultural sector are used mainly in viticulture at any planting project / conversion / restructuring vineyards, regardless of the variety of varieties and climatic characteristics.
Because of versatility of metal poles fabricated by METALWORK, they can be used in other sectors of agriculture, such as supporting more varieties of vegetables (especially forced culture), branches of trees or shrubs, the delimitation of paths with vertical walls green creepers, bushes and flowers in culture kiwi, berries, hops, etc.
For technical or commercial information, procurement, delivery or special orders, METALWORK provides complete support specialist. Our specialists are ready to provide the best solutions tailored to specific needs of each project.
You only need to contact METALWORK.